Hot List Generator
When using the LIST String Operator, there is a another useful tool we can use to create our LIST of search Strings. Access the Hot LIST Generator(Trainer/Jockey) from the Selection Hunter Help Drop Down OR by Right Clicking on any 'Value' Text Box.
There are various options available. In the screenshot below I have created a Trainer Hot List for the last 150 days.
When you have created your LIST press the 'Copy Hot LIST to Clipboard' Button. Then return to the Selection Hunter Screen.
We can paste the LIST straight in to the 1st row Criteria Values. We can do this by right clicking over the values box and pressing ‘Paste’.
Tick the checkbox for the first row of criteria. Then set the criteria drop down to ‘Trainer’ and set the String Operator to ‘LIST’. See the screenshot below for guidance.
Switch to Back Test Mode. Run the Query and look at the results.
Word of Warning – Back fitting is when we use a set of criteria that produces a very specific set of results. If you were to use this set of criteria over a different sample of data you would get very different results. When designing systems we try to have criteria that will produce the same type of results irrespective of the date range and sample size.
If you were to use this type of Hot List you would need to update it regularly.