UK/IRE Horse Racing
Also available from the Selection Hunter Help Drop Down -
Numerical Search Filters
Age -
Age of the Horse in years.
Claiming -
An allowance in LBs assigned to apprentice jockeys (based on own personal race form)
Class Change-
The difference in class from the Last Time Out. If the Last Time Out was class zero (0) (Irish Racing) then the difference will be zero.
+1 will mean the Horse is running up a class. -1 will mean the Horse has dropped a class.
DailyMRRank, DailyMR2Rank, DailyRPRRank, DailyORRank, DailyTSRank -
The overall rank of the entire day's racing. Lower the rank the higher rated the horse. Rank = 1 would be the highest rated horse for the entire day's racing. Example use - If you wanted to find the day's top 5 highest rated horses for RPR you would use the filter - DailyRPRRank <= 5.
Note - If horses are jointly rated it is down to chance which has the highest rank.
Day (1-7) -
Day of the week. 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday, 7 = Sunday
Distance Changed -
The difference in Furlongs from the Last Time Out. If the number is positive then the Horse has gone up in race distance.(Longer Race Distance).
If the number is negative then the Horse has gone down in Race Distance. (Shorter Race Distance). If the LTO Distance is not known or missing then a Distance Changed of Zero (0) is used.
Days Since Last Race (does not go down to the level of splitting out Flat and Jump racing for those
horses that are known to try their hand at both). This is really the last time out. Where there is no available data zero (0) is used.
Furlongs -
Race Length to the nearest Furlong. (8 Furlongs to a mile)
H_14D, H_30D, H_365D -
Number of times out by the Horse in the last 14, 30 and 365 days.
J_14D, J_30D, J_365D -
Number of races the jockey has ridden in the last 14, 30 and 365 days.
JT_14D, JT_30D, JT_365D -
Number of races the trainer has had this jockey on his/her horses in the last 14, 30 and 365 days.
Jockey Win Ratio, Trainer Win Ratio, Jockey/Trainer Win Ratio, Jockey Place Ratio, Trainer Place Ratio, Jockey/Trainer Place Ratio -
Either looking at the Last 14 days or the Last 6 runs (whatever was needed to get a minimum of 6 runs to calculate) this figure is the applicable strike rate.
Range from 0 - 1
RaceCardGuru (Data Provider) operate a PositionalScoringMatrix to help give a single value to the recent form. Range is from 0-5. This is the average positional score of the Last 6 races (or up
to last 6 if the horse hasn't run that many yet).
Highest L6 Ave Pos Score is Rank 1.
RaceCardGuru (Data Provider) operate a PositionalScoringMatrix to help give a single value to the recent form. Range is from 0-5.
As well as taking an average we can also SUM. Arguably a fairer representation (particularly if horses have contested less than 6 races in their lifetime). NB. The positional scoring matrix has positive numbers as well as negatives.
Highest L6 SUM Pos Score is Rank 1.
Merlin Rating -
Provided in house. Statistics based. Values can range from around 90 to 250 with a base rate of 150.
Merlin Odds -
Provided in house. The Real Odds based on the Merlin Rating.
Month (1-12) -
Month of the Year. 1 = Jan .....12 = Dec
Number -
The number the horse will run with to be identified.
Position 'X' Race Ago -
Position 'X' Race Ago. Values from 0 to 9.
0 includes (Pulled) and (Unseated).
Provisional Odds -
The Race Cards are compiled by the night before the race. Provisional Odds are the odds at the time of Race Card compilation.
Provisional Odds Rank -
Lowest Odds Horse is Rank 1. Second Lowest Odds Horse is Rank 2.
POFF - Provisional Odds From Favourite -
Provisional Odds minus Favourite Provisional Odds.
Predicted Position -
Multiple variables are compared between each horse in the race. Predicted Position is number of runners - number of 1v1 wins. Any horse with a PP = 1 means on paper they are better than every other horse in the race. Not all positions will be filled which is why we use Predicted Rank (see below) to fill in any blanks. There can be duplicate positions however there can only be one PP = 1. Note that not every race will have a PP = 1.
Predicted Rank -
Predicted Rank sorted where 1 = (Best). There can be joint ranks.
Racing Post Rating, Official Rating and Top Speed -
Provided by Racing Post and BHA. Measured in pounds. Values can range from 0 to 170. All horses that do not yet have a rating are shown as 0.
Racing Post Rating Rank, Official Rating Rank, Top Speed Rank and Merlin Rating Rank -
Highest Ranking Horse in the race is Rank 1. Second Highest Ranking Horse is Rank 2. And so on.
Racing Post Rating Gap, Official Rating Gap, Top Speed Gap and Merlin Rating Gap -
The gap to the next ranked horse in the race.
Race Class -
From 1 - 6. UK Races Only. 0 for Irish Races.
Race Class 1 Race Ago
From 1 - 6. UK Races Only. 0 for Irish Races. Race Class 1 Race Ago.
Race Class 2 Races Ago
From 1 - 6. UK Races Only. 0 for Irish Races. Race Class 2 Races Ago.
Race Class 3 Races Ago
From 1 - 6. UK Races Only. 0 for Irish Races. Race Class 3 Races Ago.
RaceName -
Full RaceName containing any sponsor and any race types. See RaceType.
Race Runners -
The number of horses expected to be declared.
Race Type -
The RaceType is contained in the RaceName. It just has to be extracted using key words such as Hurdle, Handicap, Chase etc. The RaceType criteria simply searches the RaceName for key words. Best used with the LIST Operator.
Race RPR, Race OR and Race TS -
The percentage of Horses with a RPR/OR or TS Rating running in the Race. For instance, if all Horses are shown as having an RPR rating then the Race RPR will be 100%. If only 2 Horses have a RPR Rating in a field of 10 then the Race RPR will be 20%.
Stall -
Which stall (if applicable).
T_14D, T_30D, T_365D -
Number of races the trainer has had horses in for the last 14, 30 and 365 days.
Tips -
How many Newspaper/Media/Expert Tipsters have tipped the horse to win.
WeightLBs -
After taking into account the Weight and the Claiming Allowance, the weight in lbs that the horse will
Z-Test - (RPR-Z-Test, OR-Z-Test,TS-Z-Test,Merlin-Z-Test)
The Standard Deviation tells us the average distance of each horse from the average rating of all the horses in the race.
The Z-Test Score is the number of Standard Deviations the Rating (RPR,OR,TS or Merlin) is above or below the Average Rating in that race. If a horse is 1 standard deviation away from the average then the Z-Test Score would be 1. A horse with the exact average rating would have a Z-Test Score of Zero.
When calculating the Average Rating, all zero ratings are ignored and not included. Not all horses have RPR,OR or TS Ratings.
Z-Test Scores will range from around -5 to 3. If a Horse has a Z-Test Score of 3 it would mean that the rating in question is 3 standard deviations away from the average rating. This would indicate the Horse Rating is well above the Average Rating in that race and suggests a potentially weak field thus giving an advantage to that horse.
If no horses in a race are rated at all then the Z-Score will be zero for all horses.
String Search Filters
Jockey, Trainer
Jockey/Trainer Name. Useful to search on individual Jockeys/Trainers.
Race Ground -
The Ground as advertised the night before. General Terms will be Heavy – Soft – Good to Soft – Good – Good to Firm – Firm.
Race Name -
Name of the Race. This will usually include what type of race it is. For example 'bet365 Sam Morshead Perth Gold Cup Handicap Chase (GBB Race)'
Useful terms to search for would be Handicap and Chase.
Race Meet -
Name of the Race Course.
Sex -
Sex of horse: F - filly, C - colt, M - mare, G - gelding, H- horse, R - rig
Form -
This is as per the Form data from Racing Post. This can be different from Position 'X' Race Ago. Racing Post will show blank Form if the horse is switching from Flat to Hurdles and vice versa. It will also show Blank Form if the Horse is coming back from an extended break. Useful Tip - If you want to search for all Horses which won last time out according to the Form you would use :
True/False Search Filters
Beaten Favourite -
Was a beaten favourite in the last race ? TRUE for Yes. FALSE for No.
Course Winner -
Won at this Course ? TRUE for Yes. FALSE for No.
Course/Distance Winner -
Won at this Course and over this Distance ? TRUE for Yes. FALSE for No.
Distance Winner -
Won at this Distance ? TRUE for Yes. FALSE for No.
RaceType (Handicap, Nursery, Maiden, Stakes, Novice, Claiming, Selling, Auction, Amateur, Apprentice, Hurdle, National Hunt, NH Flat) -
Race Type searched for in the Race Name. If found returned as TRUE.
RaceSurface AW -
AW searched for in the Race Meet. If found returned as TRUE.
RaceCountry UK -
If TRUE returns all UK Races. If FALSE returns all IRE Races.