Basic Filters
Filter options can be found as per the screenshot. In the example we are using the extra columns to show case the filtering.
You can use 2 filters at any one time.
The first part indicates the Column you wish to filter on.
The second part indicates the filter itself.
There are 2 types of filters. Static and Dynamic.
Static are fixed filters that you have previously set.
Dynamic Filters use the text from the columns themselves.
In the screenshot below, the dynamic filter drop down is shown. Column 'Spare 2' contains track names. The Dynamic Filters are filled with course names automatically.
To edit the static filters press the 'Edit Static Filters' button.
The Edit Filters Screen appears
The first 6 filters available to you are odds ranges. The rest of the filters apply to a simple text search.
Screenshot below shows our example data with the odds filter <=3 applied.