Load TSM File
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There are 2 options when Loading Files.
1) Load TSM/CSV/TXT File from Local Computer
Choosing this option will cause a File Dialog Box to display. Select the file you want to Load into TSM. When you load a TSM file it will take you to this screen where you can select to either append to, or replace any main grid data already in place.
When you load a CSV or TXT file there are few more screens before we can press Finish. There is a specific chapter on Importing from CSV/TXT Files.
2) Load Virtual TSM File (TSM Server)
When you choose this option a new Dialog Box opens. Any file previously saved as a Virtual File can be Loaded Back into the TSMapp. Select the File you wish to load and press 'Load Selected Virtual File'.
You are then taken to the same screen as before where you can select to either append to, or replace any main grid data already in place.
To learn about Importing from CSV/TXT Files into the TSMapp - Importing From CSV/TXT