Coup Master Staking Plan

The Coup Master Staking Plan is a recovery staking plan that aims to make a set percentage of your bank on a daily basis. In part it is based on the Pro Staking Plan.

As with the Pro Staking Plan you have to be cautious when using this staking plan. On a losing run the stakes can increase fairly quickly.

The aim of the staking plan is to make a set percentage of your bank on a daily basis. Assuming a £200 starting bank and a 5% target you are trying to achieve a target of £10.

This £10 is then split further into smaller targets. Each smaller target is called a Coup. We can set the number of Coups as we wish. Usually this is going to be 1 or 2. If we were to use 2 Coups then each Coup Target would be £5. 

Each Coup Target is divided by a divisor. Your divisor should be set around your average winning odds so that if a bet comes in as a winner your profit will be greater than or equal to the coup target. So if your average winning odds are 3.5 then use a divisor of 2.5.

Once the 1st Coup Target is made any extra profit is deducted from the 2nd Coup Target. Once all the daily Coup Target has been reached we recalibrate our Coup Targets based on a new Daily Target.

Running Example

The Screenshot shown is using a Start Bank of £200. The Daily Target is 5%. The Number of Coups is 1 and the Divisor is 2.5. We also have Minimum Stake set to equal the Coup Target.   

You can see that the Bet 1 Start Stake is £10. The target for the day is 5% of £200 which is £10. We are only aiming for 1 coup per day. This target is then divided by the divisor which is 2.5. This would normally give a stake of £4 however the first stake cannot be less than the Coup Target. The first stake is therefore £10. 

The first bet loses. The losing stake is added to our Coup Target. Our Coup Target is now £20. The next stake is £20 divided by 2.5 which equals £8. However this is still less than the Coup Target of £10 hence the stake remains at £10. 

Bet 2 wins and our profit is £19 (after 5% commission). In the Coup Number (C.No.) Column we can see an Orange Coloured Cell and the word ‘Job Target’. This means we are more than half way to the Coup Target.

On this occasion we are only £1 short of the Coup Target. Our next stake would normally be £1 / 2.5 however becuase the stake cannot be less than the Coup Target the stake remains at £10. 

Bet 3 loses. Our Coup Target now stands at £11. 

Bet 4 Wins and makes £12.35 profit after 5% Commission. This means the Coup Target has been achieved. In the Coup Number (C.No) Column a green cell and word ‘Landed !’ is shown. This tells us at glance that a Coup has been landed.

We actually made £1.35 more than we needed to and this surplus is shown in the Surplus Column and then taken off the next Coup Target.

Once all the Daily Coups have been achieved the Coup Target is readjusted. The New Coup Target for Bet 5 is £211.35 / 100 * 5 = £10.57

Stop Loss

The final setting not mentioned so far is a stop loss setting. This can be set as a percentage of our bank. So if the bank is £550 and the stop loss is 10% then as soon as the next stake is greater than £55 the series simply resets and you cut your losses for the series.

Column Name Meanings

C.No – This is the amount of Coups we are on in a series. 

C.Target – This is the total we need to make in profit in order to achieve the Coup. 

Rem – This is the Remaining Total needed to be achieved in order to complete the Coup. This takes into account any surplus from the previous Coup. 
