What Ratings are available in TSM Racecards and Selection Hunter

Since 2019 we have collected data for UK/IRE Horse Racing. Most of the data is provided by a 3rd party, RaceCardGuru. (Website is currently under development). This data is processed overnight with many additional calculations performed in order to create various ratings and statistics. Once all the data has been processed, the Daily Racecard can …

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The Staking Machine (TSM): Real World Scenarios

The world of betting is dynamic and filled with opportunities, but it requires discipline, strategy, and insightful tools to achieve consistent success. This is where The Staking Machine (TSM) becomes a game-changer. Whether you’re a casual bettor, a professional tipster, or somewhere in between, TSM provides the tools and insights to elevate your betting performance. …

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Why Staking Plans Are Essential for Successful Betting

Why Staking Plans Are Essential for Successful Betting Betting can be a thrilling pursuit, but without the right strategy, it can quickly become unpredictable and unprofitable. One of the most effective ways to bring structure and discipline to your betting activities is by using a staking plan. A staking plan helps bettors manage their bankroll, …

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T-Score and P-Value

A few years ago we added the Archie Score into the TSM Quick Stats. Based on the Chi Square Formula it attempts to tell us the probability that a set of results is down to chance.  Recently the T-Score and the linked P-Value have been added into the TSM Quick Stats.  This is another way …

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Archie Score – Chance or Fluke ?

How do you know if your betting results are down to chance or skill ? This question has been explored in TSM from its inception in 2005. The very first TSM used the chi square formula to try and answer this question.  The Chi Square Formula was able to tell us on a very basic …

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How Do We Calculate Layers Edge

How do we calculate Layers Edge ? First let’s look at what Edge is :  The predicted future gain or loss is called expectation or expected value and is the sum of the probability of each possible outcome of the experiment multiplied by its payoff (value). Thus, it represents the average amount one expects to win …

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History of The Staking Machine

It was in July 2005 that the idea of The Staking Machine was first born. My own interest in learning and researching maths, statistics and all things betting meant an Excel Spreadsheet was created. Initially this was a simple spreadsheet used for backtesting various betting systems I wished to develop and use. But as the …

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