Stop at a Winner (SAW) Staking Plan
The Stop at a Winner Staking Plan is also known as SAW. From now on it will be referred to as SAW.
The staking plan aims to make a fixed target per session or per day. After a winning bet, the target is made and all betting finishes for that session/day. In TSM there are several options
You can see that after you have set your starting bank you then set your target by choosing a percentage of your start bank to aim for.
In the settings above the start bank is £100 and the target is 1% of that. So the aim per session or per day is £1. Lets see how this works after a few losses.
You can see that by bet 5 the stake has increased to £6.25. It wins and the target for the day is reached. You can see by this that SAW stakes can increase dramatically to make what is a relatively very small profit.
To combat this you can decrease your stoploss – number of losing bets before starting again. One other option is to link the initial target to the cumulative total.
Another option is to recover commission losses so that you actually make your target AFTER commission is taken into account. In the example below commission is turned on and set to 5%.