Welcome to The Staking Machine App

Thank you for using the TSMapp. Remember you can access the TSMapp from any computer in the world with internet access.

The TSMapp has been designed from the ground up for speed and ease of use. Almost 20 years of user feedback has shaped what TSMapp is today. The result is an extremely powerful and comprehensive piece of kit, that we hope will not only maximise your betting profits but also be a lot of fun to use as well.

Please Read ALL Parts of this Help Manual before using the TSMapp.

You can only use the full version of TSMapp if you have a active subscription and have registered the software. Current subscription details can be found on our website. -  https://www.thestakingmachine.com

Any issues regarding the software - admin@thestakingmachine.com

TSMapp Software History/Updates

Only the last 3 years of update history has been included.

Updates - 11/11/2024

TSMappV8 1.29 Released.

TSM Auto Results Feature added. Quickly find and update bet results for UK/IRE Horse Racing and UK Greyhound Racing.

XYZ Staking Plan - Additional Target Feature Added which allows you to have an alternative target (that can also be a negative) once a series number has been reached. The idea is that once the series number increases as does the stake. Therefore sometimes taking a small loss and resetting the series is safer in the long run. Remember The XYZ Staking Plan can also be used for the Fibonacci Sequence so this feature could also apply to the Fibonacci Staking Plan or any series based staking plan.

Updates - 25/10/2024

TSMappV8 1.28 Released.

Racecards - More meaningful error message now displayed if the daily racecard data is missing when trying to view Racecards.

Racecards - When adding Selections into TSM through the Racecards, (Click on the selection name), additional details (Date,Course,Type,Distance) now added into Spare 1 and Spare 2 Columns. This now matches the data added when doing the same with Selection Hunter.

Updates - 21/10/2024

TSMappV8 1.27 Released.

Selection Hunter - Greyhound Criteria Added.

RaceTypePrefixChanged (1=Yes and 0=No).  Numeric.

RaceTypeGradeChange. Numeric.

Learn more in the Criteria/Values Glossary.

Selection Hunter - Abbreviated Result Limit Increased from 15,000 to 20,000 for both Horse and Greyhound Racing.

Updates - 25/09/2024

TSMappV8 1.25 Released.

Selection Hunter Feature Added - The Selection Hunter is our powerful filtering took that will allow you to quickly find and add suitable selections. Create your own bespoke Selection systems. Back Test your created Selection Systems in TSM. Selection Hunter can only be used by Live TSM subscribers.

The Selection Hunter is available for -

UK and IRE Horse Racing

UK Greyhound Racing

Access Selection Hunter on the Racecard Tab

Help Manual Updated with entire section of Selection Hunter

Caution note Note

Selection Hunter Feature has a Minimum Screen Resolution Requirement of 1100 x 650. What this means is that your device must have at least 1100 pixels by 650 pixels. This will rule out some older Mobile Phones and Tablets. This is to ensure Selection Hunter is actually usable on as many devices as possible and has the same features as on TSM Desktop (Windows).  

Updates - 22/08/2024

TSMappV8 1.23 Released.

Graphs - Moving Strike Rate Graph Added

Staking Plans - SAW - <LB> Options added to SAW Staking Plan Settings.

Data Manipulation - Option added to ask TSM to add <LB> codes automatically to the Selection Column based on the Date Data in Spare 1 or Spare 2 Columns.

Updates - 29/07/2024

TSMappV8 1.22 Released.

Staking Plans - iTSM - Optional Strike Rate Range added to Staking Plan Settings.

Staking Plan Settings - Layouts Tweaked

Updates - 05/07/2024

TSMappV8 1.21 Released.

Staking Plans - Rolling Doubles was showing incorrect calculations IF 'Link to Cumulative Total' was checked. Fixed.

Updates - 26/06/2024

TSMappV8 1.18 Released.

Drag n drop on the Main Table tweaked to Insert the dragged row to the new location rather than Swap the rows around.

Display Tab - Option to show Extended Tool Tip on the Edit Icon for each Row.

Data Manipulation - Option to Sort on Spare1,Spare2 and Selection Column in either a String, Numeric or Date format. If data is found in the column with an incorrect format the sort will be aborted. Use the Undo Button on the main grid to reverse any sorting if needed.

Updates - 16/06/2024

TSMappV8 1.17 Released.

Drag n drop added to the Main Table so that you can now reorder the bets. Hold down and drag the row using your left mouse button. Release over the row you wish to swap with.

Updates - 05/06/2024

TSMappV8 1.16 Released.

Tweak to Reports/Advanced Filters when using Distance in the Drop Down.

Updates - 03/06/2024

TSMappV8 1.15 Released.

Latest Load and Save File Details including Name of File and Time Opened/Closed added to Quick Stats Title Bar.

Several Quick Stats were missing from Each Way Betting due to there being more than one possible outcome with this type of betting. A workaround has been implemented to allow TSM to calculate and show these stats.  

Updates - 16/04/2024

TSMappV8 1.12 Released.

UK/IRE Horse Racecards Added - Accessed through the Racecard Tab.

UK Greyhound Racecards Added - Accessed through the Racecard Tab.

Updates - 30/03/2024

TSMappV8 1.10 Released.

Back & Lay Variable Dutch Calculator and Expected Losing Sequence Calculator Added - Previously only available as a separate web application. Now fully integrated for TSM Subscribers only. Access from the Calculators Tab.

Updates - 28/03/2024

TSMappV8 1.09 Released.

Extra Columns Position - Option to display the Extra Columns at the start of each row rather than the default end of each row.

Updates - 10/02/2024

TSMappV8 1.08 Released.

Auto Dutch Mode Added - Auto Dutch On either the Spare 1 or Spare 2 column. This works by checking each bet and then scanning the next row ahead. If the data is identical then the TSMapp will assume they are bets that have been placed in the same market. Auto Dutch Help Topic

Reports Added - Part of the Analysis Tab. Reports allow us to break down our main data using various criteria. If we have data in our Spare 1 and Spare 2 Column then we can use that data.  Hard coded is Odds Ranges, Race Course, Race Type, Distance and Date. In addition you can also generate a report on Custom Values and any Unique Values in Spare 1 or Spare 2 column. Reports Help Topic

Advanced Filters Added - Working in conjunction with the Reports Screen we can now filter on any of the ranges in our reports. This relies on having data in Spare 1 and Spare 2 Columns. Advanced Filters Help Topic

Updates - 05/11/2023

TSMapp V8 Released.

Software completely re-written and optimised.

Help Manual Updated

Main Changes -

oMaximum amount of bets for the TSMapp is now increased to 50,000 bets. In TSMappV7 the maximum amount of bets was fixed at 10,000 bets. A recalculation for 10,000 bets would of previously been around 12 seconds compared to 0.4 seconds in TSMapp V8. See table below for full speed comparison - Times shown are an average of 10 recalculations using random generated data with all Back Staking Plans in use. In general it can be said that TSM V8 is over 20x Faster than TSM V7.

oTSMapp V8 uses an improved responsive design that allows the App to be used in all browser sizes. In browsers with a width less than 1100 pixels, (Mobiles/Tablets) a vertical menu is used. Where the browser width is greater than 1100 pixels a Horizontal Menu is used that has been designed to match TSM V7 Desktop (Windows). If you resize the browser at any time you can see this in action. If you are using the App on a desktop computer/laptop then the default is the Horizontal Menu, however there is an option to use the Vertical Menu if desired.

oWhere the Browser Height is less than 500 pixels the Quick Stats Panel automatically hides itself and various label fonts decrease in size. This allows the App to be usable on mobile phones in the Landscape Orientation.

oThere is now Duel Input for adding bets. Add bets directly directly into the Main Grid OR using the Edit/Add Row Button. After every row has been completed the App will now automatically recalculate the results.

oNew Default Theme based on the current TSM V7 Desktop (Windows) Version. Additional Themes will be added later on.

oMonte Carlo Simulations - Maximum number of bets increased from 1000 to 10,000. Maximum number of cycles increased from 100 to 250.

Updates - 09/02/2022

TSMapp 7.0 Released.

Underlying code updated to enable continued compatibility with all modern browsers.

Main Menu updated.

Updates - 04/12/2021

TSMapp 6.49 Released.

Added Export to CSV Option for Analysis and MonteCarlo Screens.

Added Lowest Trough and Average Lowest Trough to Monte Carlo Screen.

Updates - 11/08/2021

TSMapp 6.48 Released.

Added Cumulative Drawdown Graph. (In line with TSM Desktop) - See Graphs

Updates - 09/08/2021

TSMapp 6.47 Released.

Additional Parlay Ratchet Settings Added.

Additional Percentage 'X amount of bets' Setting Added. (In line with TSM Desktop).

Updates - 07/05/2021

TSMapp 6.44 Released.

Additional Lay Staking Plan Added - Lay Recovery Liability - https://www.thestakingmachine.com/staking_plans/lay-recovery-liability/

Lay Analysis now uses liability rather than staking in line with TSM Desktop.

Updates - 19/12/2020

TSMapp 6.40 Released.

Additional Settings added to Up X Down Y Staking Plan.  https://www.thestakingmachine.com/staking_plans/UpXDownY/

Additional Settings added to Percentage Staking Plan. https://www.thestakingmachine.com/staking_plans/percentage/